Related forms to be bound to a specific location or control in a form.
When we relate forms we usually do that for a specific reason or as a workaround to raise a form from within a form. When related currently the forms are showing bunched up together with no sensible order or context. As a user I want to see the es...
Maintain PDF mapping after re-uploading similar pdf with updates
We should be able to maintain the mapping if the fillable fields are the same. This will save much time remapping when small updates (additions/formatting) to the PDF have to be reimported.
Bentley includes a "Limit to fields on the form" function in the Actions-Scripts function at the Design Form stage (whoever added this is a genius!). Please include the same "Limit to fields/bindings on the form" function on the Field Options part...
Ability to export Binding list for all Forms/Inspections in the project
Currently, we have to go Form by Form to export a list of Bindings, which is required for Power BI integration. We can add an option to export for all projects here -