Allow Event Categories to generate their own event number sequence.
Allowing each event category to have it's own numbering sequence and the ability to assign a numbering format for each category using a mix of alpha/numeric). This allows a category to align to a specific identification format provided by a client...
Ability to flag an activity and/or event to use either cost, daywork or sell rates.
Allows for activties to be used for different purposes ie. pricing schedule, dayworks or cost activities. The flag would determine which rate to use based on the project rates table allocation to a resource.
Events converted to variations typically use a subledger code in an ERP to capture the cost. Adding subledger code as an attribute will create this link.
Refine wording on Add Event page - sharing with subcontractors / clients
A common trap for our field personnel is to add relevant 'Subcontractors' and 'Clients' when they create an Event thinking they are simply tagging them in because it is relevant to their scope. They don't realise they are grating access to the eve...
Use mobile app to act as a base station for scanning in attendance
currently there is a time out set on the application for scanning, if we could set up ipads for scan in and scan out for the attendance without having to change/touch the ipad
Jack Lowes
over 2 years ago
in Perform / Attendance
Future Consideration