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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Integration with the Headlight app to transfer data captured in Headlight to SYNCHRO Control
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PINNED Have the ability to move widgets and tables to a second monitor
Screen real estate to see the model is getting smaller with more widgets and tools can we move widgets to a second monitor?

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Showing 1303

Include Assigned Users property in Power BI Connector

Currently, only AssignedTo property is read, but not AssignedUsers, which may contain multiple entries.
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Future consideration

Export to Excel all filled out forms along with captured information like 3d objects and tasks

Currently you can export all the filled out forms to excel, but without the captured 3D object/resources (via Control->Dashboard->Export view to Excel). It will be usefull to export more information about issue, including captured 3d objects...
Igor Saenko about 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Future consideration

Bold text customization in SYNCHRO Inspections Forms

It would be beneficial on projects for the enablement of customized bolding of text in certain area in inspection forms. this allows for the end-user to ensure he doesn't miss important information. See attached .jpg for the current project im wor...
Doug Theret about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Inspection 1 Already exists

Ability to Export a PDF from contracts tab.

As a user, I would like to export a PDF of Contracts, PCOs, COs, and payment applications similar to the functionality within the forms module.
Jonathan Cunningham 10 months ago in Contracts / Settings 0

Assign Resource Group to Task - New button

It is nive to have this new button. Assign Resource Group to Task. Please see image on the attachment.
Indrawan Gmail over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro 0 Planned

Filter columns in Control by multiple values

An example would be selecting multiple options under Status (Inreview & Approved) to exclude the ones we don’t want to see
Thomas Schimpf over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Reports 0 Future consideration

Group roles and users in 'Assign to'

In 'Assign To' and 'Multi Assign' it would be nice to have the users and the roles grouped together. For exampel 'Role: Designer' and then underneath that all the users in that role, and then the next role with associated users underneath that and...
Arnar Agustsson over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 1 Already exists

Ability to copy and instance of a form into a new instance including values

Ability to select an instance of already created form, create a new instance with the same data. Bonus functionality to be able to select which Values to copy into the new instance. This is where some of the values are repetitive between instances.
Kiril Tasev over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 2 Already exists

Ability to provision SYNCHRO Control on Government cloud

Many times government entities (like nuclear power plant, transport authorities ) ask for the availability of SYNCHRO Control on the government/private cloud.
Manoj Jamma over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin 0 Future consideration

Change Selection Method

Model Viewer - Provide the option for users to change their Element Selection method from cumulative (each new element selected is added to the current selection) to a single-element select where tapping a new element creates a new selection.
Ariel Froerer over 1 year ago in Field / Models | Display 1 Future Consideration