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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Have the ability to move widgets and tables to a second monitor
Screen real estate to see the model is getting smaller with more widgets and tools can we move widgets to a second monitor?
PINNED Add enable button to media indexing page to enable service if they have the RBAC role
If I don't have media indexing enabled on my project AND I'm an admin, we need to add a button her to enable it?


Showing 770

Truncate Section size for hidden Controls

I have a few Controls under each line item, that are hidden on load, but the Section size does not truncate itself to account for that. The blank space is accommodating for all hidden Controls.
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Future consideration

Manage iModel connections UI in Synchro control

I would like the feature to select all imodel and change the sync schedule timing or while changing the schedule for each model the options should stick in one place when scrolling down to select the models.
Jerry David Jaypaul about 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Future consideration

SYNCHRO Field - Summary View

Summary of Un-Synched and Synched items on the Field App Having a Summary of a Users Work Summary and a Users Own Work / Project that shows New,Overdue,Close deadline, etc.
Derryl Acosta over 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Reports 0 Future consideration

Drag n Drop revisioning in PDF plan sets

If the user could drag an uploaded sheet on top of the existing published sheet icon in the left nav bar to revision it. It would save the user from having to manually lenter the sheet # in order to initiate the revision process
Guest over 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Future consideration

Changing Assigned To using Scripts behaves differently from manual selection

I created a script to change Assigned To based on another binding. In the following, when I select A for the first time, the Assigned to changes to Arpit Test, and Send for Review transition reflects that as well - However, I get a notification th...
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Planned

Ability to create mapping to a fillable Form using Excel

A lot of the fields may be similarly named, and our system doesn't automatically map them. It has to be done manually, and it can become cumbersome for a large Form. Esp. because if we create a copy of the Form, the mapping does not get copied.
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 1 Future consideration

Issues with moving Regions

It seems the Region sometimes goes to a random location, within another Region if i try to move it around. This mostly happens if I drop it part outside the canvas. Also, doesn't look like i can move a Control below a region, but have to move the ...
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Unlikely to implement

Ability to undo/redo on large Forms

Is there a control/binding limit after which the Form will just not function? I am getting the following warning for 650 bindings. Will still like to remove the limitation of undo/redo.
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Future consideration

Design Printout

Design printout should be undoable (once chosen, it can be changed to represent the forms updates).
Ashley Edmonds over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 2 Future consideration

Binding Previews

No description provided
Ashley Edmonds over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 2 Will not implement