Survey Control - control if voting buttons are selectable by user
To further enhance the capability and useability of the Survey control we found a need to have control over the voting buttons. A property attached to each voting button can enable or disable that button to be selectable by the end user. At the sa...
Showing all active Resources for a look ahead period
I am trying to generate look ahead prints with all active 3D resources visible for that look ahead period instead of just the active Resources of the Focus Time. Example: show all tasks in between 25th of July '22 and 21st of August '22.I would li...
Custom icon or icon library to represent custom form types on the map and model.
Allows a user to differentiate between other items on the map. The user would have the option when creating the custom form in the UI forms designer to assign an icon to it.
A key part of construction is the maintenance of a site diary. It would be great if we were able to create site diaries which users can create and complete on a daily basis. Also have the ability to attach images to site diaries.
Provide ability to clear permissions in Form designer
Provide ability (button) to clear all permissions from a form template in Form designer "Set permissions" tab. This will allow quick clean slate reprovision of roles and permissions.
Infrastructure Cloud - Help Link only Show ProjectWise Link
When we use Infrastructure Cloud Link, and open SYNHCRO project, the Short Cut Link in top Right (just before Profile) still show ProjectWise link. I think need to change to SYNCHRO if we are opening SYNCHRO Project.
Keep colors assigned in validation feature for query assignment of cost codes.
Need to have the capability to assign colors to cost codes assignments in Quantity Takeoff view and toggle back and forth from red/green/gray view. It is difficult to determine if query selected elements are listed in the correct property provided...
David Gallaher
about 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Needs review
Have the capability to setup the default location for the QR code stamp in plan set module. Also have the capability to stamp all Plan sets at one time or selected range, draft or published status, etc.