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Showing 72

People Usage Summary (Item/People Count)

Please add a head count for: Total People in List (total number in filter). Total People with (any) hours assigned each day. This will help when managing large crews to check if they have all been added to the filter, and also to see if hours have...
Joshua Erskine 6 months ago in Perform / Timesheets 0

In resource Usage Matrix freeze column up to rate code

Hi currently the resource usage matrix has column frozen until Row Total, can the columns freeze be until Rate Code
Nageshwar Sesetti over 2 years ago in Perform / Timesheets 0 Future Consideration

Restrict Events to be assigned to non bookable activities

Currently Events could be related to archived, finished, non bookable activities even if it 2 years over. The workflow should flag to the Event creator that the related activity is finished, non bookable and cannot be created until Contracts/ Cont...
Nageshwar Sesetti over 2 years ago in Perform / Events & Notices 1 Future Consideration

Many Activities to one Event

Currently, it is only possible to have a 1 to 1 relationship between Activities and Events meaning that when you have an Event (as an example, a weather delay) that impacts many Activities a user is required to create many Events. This change woul...
Duncan Turner about 2 years ago in Perform / Events & Notices 1 Will not implement

Add Company Filter to the Resource Usages For Import

Can we add a Company Filter to the 'Resource Usages For Import', this will be helpful to allow us to export hours entered by subcontractor companies.
Duncan Turner over 1 year ago in Perform / Timesheets 1 Future Consideration

Add option to transfer comments and photos from one activity to another.

Often photos and comments are uploaded to the wrong activity number. This results in a lengthy process to download the photos and re-enter the comments to the correct activity. Additionally, the person reviewing the entries is often not the same p...
Jackson Morley almost 3 years ago in Perform / Site Records 0 Future Consideration

Ability to flag daily or weekly Templated Report(s) as "Favourites"

If you have a long list of Templated Reports on a project, with not all of them being applicable to a user, it would be good for a user to flag their "Favourite" reports and have them appear at the top of the list
Luke Read almost 3 years ago in Perform / Reports 0 Future Consideration

Add new sort/filter feature for Dockets (sort/filter by cost code)

This feature will be very useful as our project is set-up via cost-codes. So sorting/filtering via cost-code will be very important
Rocky Ursino 7 months ago in Perform / Dockets 0

Add Responsible Company Filter to Work Inspector

Add Responsible Company Filter to Work Inspector. This has been requested by McDermott Project Controls.
Duncan Turner almost 2 years ago in Perform / Performance Management 1 Future Consideration

Templated Cost Analytics

Hi Team, it is feedback from number of users who wants to see if we can have 2 things added in cost analytics. 1. Saving our own template 2. Downloading the data gathered using various fields in Cost Analytics
Siddharth Sahare over 2 years ago in Perform / Analytics/Dashboards 1 Future Consideration