Please add a search button to search any documents across folder, it will may life of field users easy as lots of document are published from synchro control
I am trying to perform 4D animation for 530MB nwd file and having lot of problems while navigating model in Synchro 4D. Synchro 4D always shows its on low memory. My machine has good configuration but till having this issue.
Hide or Rename a Marked up PDF file with a .xfdf extension.
It would be helpful if SYNCHRO could Hide or Rename a Marked up PDF file to show it is marked up so that confusion is not created. Right now the file just get a new Extension of a .xfdf.
It would be useful that have all the projects photos on site for project managers to walk around and review by where they are on the project. As a construction site worker, I want to quickly find images and videos in the project repository, so tha...
Matthew Blake
over 2 years ago
in Field / Forms | Media
Future Consideration
Work hours automatically populate when a rate code is inputted
When a worker is sick or on annual leave their hours differ depending on their contract, we would like to be able to input a rate code for a worker and the hours automatically populate based on a predetermined settings linked to their profile or role
NOT to separate 3D objects to cells when exporting to .spx by Plug-in for Micrpstation or importing straght i.dgn/bim to Synchro
It's very unproductive when all compound 3D objects separate to cell after exporting to .spx by Plug-in for Microstation or importing straght i.dgn/bim to Synchro. And any cell doesn't inherit properties (user fields) from compound 3D object It's ...
To select all elements in custom group of 3D objects when click on the group name
Why when I've made a custom group (grouping by User Field) of 3D objects and try to select all elements by clicking on the group name they don't select? I think it have to work, please fix it.