The ability to have wider options for selecting color control within status visualization. Standard and custom colors with an eyedropper option to select a color from the screen.
Create scripts in Python or another programming language in Manage Forms
Is it possible to add scripts in Python or another programming language? If we add too many formulas to the form, it might become slow. Perhaps, by optimizing the formulas, we could improve the form's performance.
Model view - Don't show Work Assigned panel in Model View for Guest Users
When a Guest User logs into to view the 4D model they have to click on the Model icon in the top right corner to load up the 4D model. When the model loads up, the bottom half of their screen shows a panel that lists out w...
Custom layout shown even if the workflow is closed
It will be more efficient if the custom printout or design form layout is shown even if the workflow is closed. This prevents the people from downloading/exporting the form just to see the information inside.
Kimberly Nazareth Angeles
about 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
I want to update inspection form status for multiple forms at a time
As a user, when I select more than one inspection form in Admin/Manage Forms/Inspections, the Change Status and Delete buttons grey out. I'd like to be able to change the status of multiple forms at the same time.
Please, enable forms assigned for approval in transition to be visible in My Home area
Please, enable forms assigned for approval in transition to be visible in My Home area. Currently the only notification to an approver is the email that usually gets lost in the noise.
provide fucntionality to send notification on Approval in transition
Provide functionality for the system to be able to send notification to requestor/Assigned person once Approval in transition is achieved. Currently there is no facility to notify users that a form has been approved in transition.
We want the option to be able to delete FORMS on our own that have been published and filled out.
On the Forms we create for our organization we should have more control of what we can do with our Forms. We would like to be able to delete obsolete forms or move into "Recycle Bin".
David Dudek Jr.
almost 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration