To have the possibility to define a look-ahead filter for the Gantt window accessible from Synchro Control \ Schedule
Currently all Schedule Tasks within the Synchro 4D Pro .sp file are displayed in the Gantt Window accessible from Synchro Control \ Schedule.
As we can have several thousands of Activities, it will be difficult for User to understand which are th...
Display Resources Tree in Synchro Control \ Schedule
To have the possibility to access in Synchro Control \ Schedule the Resources Tree as defined in Synchro Pro. With possibility, in Synchro Control \ Schedule, to navigate between Resources window, 3D window and Gantt window the same way than in Sy...
When export data grid to a PDF, if the column have long name, the title will be cutted. Hope the title can auto wrap to next line. and combive to data Grid Title Style enable is good.
Organization admins may create multiple project templates and determine that some, or many, should be deleted or archived due to changing template needs. An admin should have the ability to select from a list of the project templates any that shou...
Auto-populate secondary cascading list dropdown's when only one option is available
It would be nice to be able to remove 2 unnecessary clicks. Lists are as follows First List > Second List1 > A 1 > B 1 > C 1 > D 2 > E 3 > F 4 > G 4 > H On the First List, when selecting 2 or 3 we would like to remove th...
Caitlin Zeuli
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
At the moment, it is not possible to add the 'File Upload' button to forms; only a button with 'Add Attachment' appears at the end of the forms. The introduction of this button would be quite useful, even for multiple additions, because in this wa...