When a form is being populated a lot of times we have fields we want to refer to like form id, status, title or whats not. With progression through the form, the content is scrolled and the initial fields disappear from view. It would be nice to e...
When assigning permissions for a form, where a lot of roles are visible and the admin scrolls down, the permission column headings disappear and has potential for error. It would be nice to have the permission headings enabled at all times. see at...
Not all my photos for a project are in the boundaries of the project. I would like a 'fit to screen' button that would automatically pan out of the map to include all photos.
Form PDF exported through Transition creates a folder structure regardless of not containing Attachments
The following settings always create a folder structure containing an empty Attachments folder. When manually exporting from the Grid, it exports just PDF if no Attachments are available -