Export PDF without folder if no attachments available
This issue is in regards to exporting a PDF. When exporting a PDF to ProjectWise, a folder is created in ProjectWise with the exported PDF inside the folder. Is there a way to just export the PDF form without the addition of a folder. The AO that ...
Ability to make Photo a required option in Survey Control
Photo option is hidden behind the menu, which makes it harder to find. We should have a easy to access icon for photo, which can then be made required as well.
synchronise saved views between synchro imodel and connect design review / itwinhub
it would be great that the saved views created in synchro control imodel could be automatically synchronized over to the other platform / services such as design review and itwin hub
Ensuring Persistent Visibility of 'Assigned To' Information Throughout the Workflow
Once someone is assigned in a form as ‘Assigned to,’ I would like that information to remain visible throughout the entire workflow. a solution could be that whenever a person is in the binding 'Assigned to' during the workflow, each time someone...
Show Legend based on Appearance Profiles in the 3D Window of Synchro Control \ Schedule
Currently no Legend is displayed in the 3D Window accessible from the Schedule functionality of Synchro Control. As a Synchro .sp file can be related to various subjects: Engineering Steps, Procurement Cycle, Construction Sequences,... As Legends ...
Thibault Dumas
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration