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Implementation of a "split screen" feature within the Field app

have a "split screen" capability to see PDF document while keeping the view of the model, similar to what iPad can do.
Tony Bonacorsi over 1 year ago in Field / Models | Visibility 1 Future Consideration

Cross section selection tool on other views

It can be hard to select lines, items or layers in congested areas of the model. Especially when you have big ol construction fingers. It would be very helpful if the Cross-section selection tool was available on all views for easier model selecti...
Thomas Schimpf almost 2 years ago in Field / Models | Tools 0 Future Consideration

When selecting multiple elements in the model add their quantities together

When selecting multiple elements in the model add there quantities together rather than returning "Varies" If I select two runs of curb and gutter the first being 150ft long and the second being 198ft long I want to get 348ft of curb and gutter in...
Dan Sheldon about 2 years ago in Field / Models | Display 0 Future Consideration

Ability to jump between 2D Sheets and 3D Model Views seamlessly

Currently, we can switch from 2D sheets to the previously opened 3D View in SYNCHRO Control, using the following back button - Need something similar for Field as well.
Arpit Prakash almost 2 years ago in Field / Models 1 Future Consideration

Project filtering by filters or activity codes

the goal is to filter the 4D view to today's or next week's work for the specific role based user viewing the 4D model, pref. based on activity codes, 3D or tasks filters (like SITE used to have!)
Joost Wijnen almost 4 years ago in Field / Models | Display 0 Future Consideration

Could additional snap modes be added in Field model tools

Could you add Intersection, Center, and Midpoint Snaps to SYNCHRO Field model viewing?
Dan Sheldon almost 2 years ago in Field / Models | Tools 3 Future Consideration

Incorporation of an "Undo" feature within the measurement tool

incorporate an "undo" button while you are using any of the civil tools. For example, being able to use the "station/Offset" tool 10 times and only "undoing" the last 3 measurements taken instead of all the 10.
Tony Bonacorsi over 1 year ago in Field / Models | Tools 1 Future Consideration

Enabling measurement tools to convert between different units of measure

have the ability to convert an area measured from Square Feet to Square Yards or Acres automatically with a click of a button like Google Earth's Capability.
Tony Bonacorsi over 1 year ago in Field / Models | Tools 1 Future Consideration

Profile Window - Show Multiple Alignments

We often have multiple vertical alignments for a single horizontal alignment. It would be extremely helpful to see all vertical alignments in the profile window. Currently, if we have a roadway profile that is not set active because there are mult...
Ariel Froerer over 1 year ago in Field / Models | Tools 1 Future Consideration

Change Selection Method

Model Viewer - Provide the option for users to change their Element Selection method from cumulative (each new element selected is added to the current selection) to a single-element select where tapping a new element creates a new selection.
Ariel Froerer almost 2 years ago in Field / Models | Display 1 Future Consideration