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Showing 11

Show multiple dates options in SYNCHRO Control

Currently SYNCHRO Control only shows planned dates, User requirement is to select all sets of dates like best dates.
Manoj Jamma 26 days ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0

Visualize non 3D resources in Control

Hi, Currently we can only graphically visualize the 3D resources assigned to tasks when the task is selected. Our users would like to see also the traditional resources that are assigned to tasks, i.e. human resources. This can be added in Task Pr...
Alexandru Buzan almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0

Composite iModels not usable for Synchro scheduling

Please add the option to use the composite iModels for Scheduling services, now it's not possible to filter out data from an existing iModel and start working with Synchro 4D
Christiaan Post 3 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models / Schedule 0

Schedule: Layouts, Viewpoints, 3D Filters, Filters

Please improve the functionality of Schedule on the Control Portal so that it is possible to activate Layouts, Viewpoints, 3D Filters and Filters that have been created in Synchro 4D Pro. This will bring it closer to the functionality of Synchro O...
Ruth Fuller over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 1

Link the schedule to user-created issue forms.

Users want to know which Tasks the issues they need to work on are related to so they can track their progress.
HoSang Jeon 9 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0

Filter tasks using Activity Codes

Filter Schedule by Activity Code
Joe Griffiths 5 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0

Synchro control add more than one project at a time

Ability to add more than one project in synchro control
Guest over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0

Save calendar dates on saved views in synchro control

Ability to save dates ranges in synchro control whem saving vies
Guest over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0

Schedule Viewer being able to hide all object except those during focus time.

being able to hide all objects in schedule model viewer with exception to those within the focus time would be of significant value to users across the project.
Leon Simmons over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0

Ability to show different day types from calendar in timeline in Synchro 4D Pro

If I add a new calendar day type with colour green, I should be able to see it in the timeline as well. Currently the timeline only shows working time non working days, and non working times of day. See screenshot, where 14.-17. of March 2023 is m...
Tiitus Haverinen almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 0