Current method of loading and updating rates individually into Perform needs the ability to bulk create and needs to include notation to allow information on source
Ernest Downes
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration
Add a Bulk Assign function for Purchase Orders to the All-Dockets webpage for SYNCHRO Perform similar to current Assign functionality for Invoice Assignment
Show name of user who submitted a docket on the Docket Inbox
It would be helpful to see the user who submitted the docket, on the Docket Inbox page, in case you needed to contact that user if you had a question. Currently the Docket Review and Site Docket Review screens on the mobile app show this information
Luke Read
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration
Dockets: allow users to have the ability to approve in bulk.
Although the Docket Inbox allows a user to approve multiple Dockets, it is limited to a single day and still requires the user to select dockets individually.
Luke Read
over 1 year ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration
Allow for High Res Photos to be captured in the Docket Form / Mobile App
Requested via for QBC. Photo resolution in the docket form is significantly worse than the same photo taken within the photo and comments form
Bernhard Budiono
almost 2 years ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration