Transfer iModel and related data from Project Wise to Control
To be able to transfer an IModel that has been linked on ProjectWise to a Control Project without loosing ALL Connections that were made in 4D Pro and/or Modeler
Users want to change the layout.
They have uploaded a lot of imodels, but they want to see at a glance what files are in total. Currently imodel's window size is too small.
how do i get the Viewpoints from SYNCHRO 4D PRO to properly displayed on Control
i have a viewpoint with a 3D Filter activated. the "Viewpoint" works in SYNCHRO 4D PRO. but the same view from "Desktop views" on Control does not apply the 3D Filter. it does apply the camera views tho. i can add you to the Control project or pro...
Need the ability to select an object or multiple objects through the Model tree. A few quick suggestions, but can be developed upon - > Shift select to select a range and Ctl Select to add/remove from a selection > Select all the child eleme...
I have noticed that when I use the subdivision tool on a object. The object does not change the color if it assigned to a resource status. It defeats the purpose of resource status tool cause I can't see the status of that object if it is subdivid...
When "Profile" enabled from "Civi Tools", hide or show in transparent the elements that cannot be used to create a profile. Prompt message if nothing can be used in the iModel.
Profile window - Show multiple vertical alignments
We often have multiple vertical alignments for a single horizontal alignment. It would be extremely helpful to see all vertical alignments in the profile window. Currently, if we have a roadway profile that is not set active because there are mult...
Ability to select similar objects based on properties Control
This feature is already there in Modeler, and would be ideal to have it in Control as well. It could be useful to create saved views based on Workpackage Codes, or any other avaible parameters.