With projects having thousands of sheets added as plan sets. Sometimes it is necessary to update some information on multiple sheets after the sheets are published. For a scenario where, for example, the discipline of 100+ sheets needs to be chang...
collapsible sections by discipline in the PDF Settings
Under the All Sheets thumbnails in the PDF Setting have the ablity to collapsibe a discpline down to just a name of sheets to make it easier to move around the sheets. Also give the ablity to search by discipline
PDF version compare in order to view sheet to sheet or older versions and not just to the current.
Some organizations use sperate existing layout sheet and proposed layout sheet, I want to able to compare the two different sheets. When multiple revision sheets exist for a single sheet, I would like to be able to compare the revisions, i.e. vers...
The document tab file viewer is not very good. It should operate more like a window explorer where you can see all files at once and filter them, not just viewing 50 at a time and having to repeatedly load more. Does not work with thousands of fil...
The current file path in Documents only provides the last 2 folders.
See attachment example: 01 - Plans > Volume 1 - Civil
This should display the entire path:
Documents > 05 - Plans - Field Documents > 01 - Plans > Volume 1 - Civil