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Able to Edit Photo when use Camera

In Synchro Field, when we add attachment from camera, after take photo, use want to edit the Photo. Adding markup, etc2. Right now there is no Edit Photo menu. Same function available in whatapps application.
Indrawan Wijaya almost 2 years ago in Field / Forms | Forms 1 Planned

Change Assigned to font

Can the color scheme, background or font be changed in the synchro field app when users try to submit a form for review. When they submit a form for review it prompts them to assign a recipient for review, but the default image appears to be greye...
Arpit Prakash 11 months ago in Field / Forms | Forms 0 Planned

Markup Photos

Ability to markup photos (Asked about this on demos)
Thomas Schimpf over 3 years ago in Field / Forms | Media 0 Planned

Photo thumbnails

To make it easier for users to identify the right photos, there needs to be a simple thumbnail viewer. This should be resizable so that the users can make the thumbnails bigger as needed.
Arnar Agustsson over 5 years ago in Field / Forms | Media 0 Planned

Show documents and forms on maps

It would be useful to be able to use the map to determine where documents and forms such as issues are located. There should be a toggle to show/hide based on categories.
Arnar Agustsson over 5 years ago in Field / Forms | Maps 1 Planned

daily reports/logs voice transcription

Interesting idea on facilitating voice transcription of daily reports. I can see several use cases of this being beneficial especially around safety incidents needing realtime records, issue capturing, or inclement weather. Allowing the inclusion ...
Jonathan Cunningham over 5 years ago in Field / Forms | Media 1 Planned